6 开足马力(8)

We stayed on the alert until daylight, getting ready for action. Whaling gear was set up along the railings. 大家一直戒到天亮,每个人都在准备战斗。

Our chief officer loaded the blunderbusses, which can launch harpoons as far as a mile,


and long duck guns with exploding bullets that can mortally wound even the most powerful animals.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Ned Land was content to sharpen his harpoon, a dreadful weapon in his hands.


At six o'clock day began to break, and with the dawn's early light, the narwhale's electric glow disappeared.


At seven o'clock the day was well along, but a very dense morning mist shrank the horizon, and our best spyglasses were unable to pierce it.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址The outcome: disappointment and anger.


I hoisted myself up to the crosstrees of the mizzen sail. Some officers were already perched on the mastheads.


At eight o'clock the mist rolled ponderously over the wa上海龙凤shlf最新地址ves, and its huge curls were lifting little by little. The horizon grew wider and clearer all at once.
